The WNT is the Longest Caribbean Hiking Trail – Great for Back-Packing Dominica:
If you’re interested in back-packing Dominica, you’re sure to appreciate the Waitukubuli National Trail – 115 miles (184 km) of trails from one end of the island to the other.
Local Dominica Hiking Guides and Tour Operators are listed below…

You’re probably wondering how 115 miles (184 km) of trails are possible on an island only 28 miles (45km) long. Well… The trail snakes quite a bit and has many optional spur sections. The trail is broken into 14 segments, starting at the southern tip of the island at Scott’s Head, then goes north near the centre of the island about a third of the way, before heading to the east coast for a while, then loops back across the island, before heading north where it loops counter-clockwise around the northern tip of Dominica, ending in the Cabrits National Park on the West side of the island, just north of Portsmouth.
This trail not only covers a lot of territory, it also traverses segments with varying degrees of difficulties, each being a different length, in terms of both distance and duration. Individual segments take anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, with the entire trail requiring approximately 2 weeks to complete. The official website states “…We have developed the Caribbean’s first long-distance walking trail, and invite you to experience it with us… The Trail showcases the best of Dominica – culture/heritage, local lifestyles, and our island’s rugged terrain and wild nature – rivers, waterfalls, mountains, exotic gorges and rain-forests… The Trail is completely hike-able with the necessary services and facilities. All visitors and non-residents are required to register in advance and purchase a Trail Pass prior to accessing/hiking the Trail…”
The Waitukubuli National Trail segments (from south to north) are:
- Scotts Head to Soufriere Estate Trail (Challenging: 4 mile / 7km)
- Soufriere Estate to Bellevue Chopin Trail (Intermediate: 7.5 mile / 12km)
- Bellevue Chopin to Watten Waven Trail (Intermediate: 8 mile / 13km)
- Wotten Waven to Pont Casse Trail (Intermediate – Challenging: 8 mile / 13km)
- Pont Casse to Castle Bruce Trail (Intermediate – Challenging: 10.5 mile / 17km)
- Castle Bruce to Hatten Garden Trail (Intermediate: 9 mile / 14km)
- Hatten Garden to First Camp Trail (Intermediate: 5.5 mile / 9km)
- First Camp to Petite Macoucherie Trail (Challenging: 9 mile / 14km)
- Petite Macoucherie to Colihaut Heights Trail (Challenging: 8 mile / 13km)
- Colihaut Heights to Syndicate Trail (Easy: 4 mile / 7km)
- Syndicate to Bourne Trail (Challenging: 8 mile / 13km)
- Bourne to Penville Trail (Intermediate: 8 mile / 13km)
- Penville to Capuchin Trail (Intermediate: 4 mile / 7km)
- Capuchin to Cabrits National Park Trail (Intermediate: 6 mile / 10km)
Camping in Dominica’s National parks and Reserves is not permitted, however there are a few privately owned / operated campsites, as well as a number of ECO-Lodges and B&Bs for backpackers to stay at.
* Please note that the information provided on this page is based on 2017 conditions prior to Hurricane Maria – The trail sections may have changed as the island recovered *
Be safe and sure with a local hiking guide or tour operator. To Hike Dominica’s Waitukubuli National Trail sections, these local Tour Operators will take good care of you:
- E Voyage Hiking
- Derick Joseph – Carib Territory (
- Dylan Williams (
- Devon Greenaway (
- More Coming Soon…
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