Explore All Things to Do in the Caribbean – Snorkeling as a Non-Swimmer
I believe that technically, “Getting out of your comfort zone,” means doing things that you ordinarily don’t feel comfortable doing. Experts say that your comfort zone is a psychological state in which you feel in control and don’t experience much anxiety or stress. So… It’ll takes a certain motivation or “pushing yourself” to do things outside of your comfort zone. When it comes to warm weather vacations, there’s so many things to do in the Caribbean, I don’t want to miss out on anything.
Well, I’m not the best swimmer in the world, so whenever I think about swimming or water sports, I tend to get a little tense. OK, I can get downright apprehensive about doing anything water related, so a sort of paralysis can sets in, resulting in me doing… nothing.

Professionals say that it is good to get “out of your comfort zone” once in a while, as it generates a reasonable amount of “good stress”. This results in improved focus, creativity, increased energy as well as enabling you to respond better to the stresses of everyday life. So… In a way, you build confidence as you learn that you’re capable of doing things you may not have thought possible.

On a recent vacation, I came to the realization that while I’m not confident in my swimming ability, I need to step out of my comfort zone if I’m going to be able to really enjoy snorkeling – Which I have found from past experience, is a really amazing thing to do in the Caribbean!
So, on our last Caribbean vacation, we had some free time and I was bored of sitting around. The hotel we were staying at offered a Catamaran Sail and Snorkel Tour, right from our beach. It sounded like fun so we signed-up. The morning of the tour, I was starting to feel a little nervous about getting in the water. Once I was on the boat however, I was in a great frame of mind and I was actually one of the first in the water. Once my struggle to get my fins and snorkel on, my nervous butterflies quickly turned to excitement and wonderment.
I believe that I get over my water anxieties by focusing on my objectives – What I want to experience and accomplish. Coming from a cold weather country with dark lakes, snorkeling in the Caribbean provides an underwater world that I just can’t experience at home. I also rationalize away my concerns – I’ll be wearing a life jacket, and if the water is calm, I won’t have to move around too much. Then, I just get out there…

Time over time, I’ve pushed myself to do this, and it always results in me feeling alive! On this particular day peering below the ocean surface did not disappoint! There was blue fish, there was yellow fish, both of different sizes and types. There were Sargent Major fish swimming all around me – Yah! Once I overcame my initial excitement and became more aware of my surroundings, I started to appreciate the numerous types of colourful coral, as well as sea fans and other sea life on the ocean floor. I was moving parallel to where the coral drops off into the deep, when I saw a large caterpillar-like creature moving along the sea floor. It turns out that it was a Sea Cucumber! I have heard of them, but this was the first one I’ve ever seen – How exciting is that? When our time in the water was up and I was heading back to the boat, I also saw some strange looking long skinny translucent fish, some of them with blue on the top of their heads – So Cool!
Once again, my snorkeling experience resulted in another new and exciting experience that I’ll cherish. For others it may not be a fear of water… Perhaps you’re not comfortable para-sailing due to a fear of heights, or even hiking because you’re not in great shape or you’re afraid of getting lost. I can even imagine folks who don’t want to play golf, because they’re afraid of looking foolish, or even just travelling around a Caribbean island for personal safety reasons. Well I have to tell you… As long as there is no real/valid reason not to, I suggest that you take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you when on vacation and that means all things to do in the Caribbean. Think about it – You’ll make memories that you’d otherwise never be able to.
When it comes to getting out there and enjoying Caribbean adventures, you may want to consider overcoming your concerns by
- Understanding the activity better and planning the excursion carefully
- Think about “what’s the worst thing that could happen”? Then come up with a plan to minimize that from happening. This should help overcome the fear of the unknown
- Do the pros (rewards) far out-way the cons (risks)? If so, focus on the rewards the adventure and visualize success.
- Take baby steps – Start with a small adventure and keep it simple
- Once you gain confidence through experience, keep expanding your comfort zone by taking on bigger and better adventures.
Another thing that will help is to go on the excursion with a buddy. He or she can be there to push you, and also to help you if you need it. Finally, remain positive – Things may not always go smoothly, so focus on the positive enjoyment gained…

So, if you want to para-sail, check out the safety protocols of the tour operator and think about the amazing views you’ll see. If you’re considering a hike, start with a short one and hire a local guide to show you the way. Dance like nobody is watching – That is, play a round of golf, nobody there knows you. Finally, it’s typically very safe in the Caribbean to venture off the resort when you take a day-time tour with a reputable tour operator.
If you look back at some of your favourite travel experiences from the past, don’t be surprised when you realize that some of them may be a result of overcoming anxieties and getting out of your comfort zone.
There’s so many things to do in the Caribbean – For great adventure ideas, check out our Caribbean Adventures & Activities page and “Get Out There and Have Some Fun!
PS> I don’t want to give anyone the impression that I’m risking my life every time I get in the ocean. I can actually swim a bit… I can tread water and I do an ugly version of the breast stroke or back stroke when I need to move around. Also, flippers on my feet help tremendously. This little story is more about pushing yourself “within reason”, in order to experience things that you would otherwise miss out on – Life’s too short!
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