Cycling Nevis – A Fun Caribbean Excursion

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours, enjoying views of Nevis Peak, visiting old plantations, museums, and other attractions!

We just rode around a Caribbean Island!

The two-island nation of St. Kitts & Nevis is conveniently located southeast of the Virgin Islands, just west of Antigua & Barbuda. The mountainous islands are home to lush rainforest interiors and paved coastal roads that are ideal for an awesome Caribbean cycling experience. Nevis, the quieter of the two islands, is small enough to bike around in a few hours and offers stunning views of the island and the endless blue surrounding the island.

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours with great views of the island and Caribbean Sea

While we’ve enjoyed many hiking and snorkelling excursions in the Caribbean, we have never gone for a bike ride before.  So, on our recent trip to Nevis we were excited to be heading out on our very first Caribbean cycling adventure, although unfortunately some things just don’t work out as planned. We were visiting Nevis for the day and had planned to go for a nice bike ride in the morning, followed by a unique rum experience in the afternoon. Problem is, the bike rental shop opened about 2 hours after we had hoped to have been on the road. As a result, we didn’t have much time to enjoy our cycling event before we had to get back in time for our scheduled rum tour.

Anyways, while we were getting our hybrid bicycles adjusted to our height, I talked with the shop owner to get some recommendations on where to bike. He repeatedly stated that the island is “tiny” and that we can’t get lost.  He suggested riding into Nevis’ capital Charlestown and exploring some backroads, but that sounded kind of boring, so we decided to heed his other idea… to undertake the much more strenuous and time-consuming ‘around the island’ route.  The shop owner told us that the record time for riding all the way around the island is less than sixty minutes, so we figured we could do it comfortably in a couple of hours. Well, we were about to find out the hard way that that was not a good assumption.

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours on a combo of flat and hilling roads

We were advised to bike clockwise around the island, to avoid having to cycle uphill on a long stretch of road just south of Charlestown. So off we went under the midday heat. Starting from the Oualie Beach area we headed east along the main road. It was a nice leisurely ride along the north end of Nevis where we encountered many sheep (that look like goats) at the side of or just as often, on the road.  These critters displayed interesting behaviour.  While they barely moved when cars drove past, they seemed to be absolutely terrified when they saw us coming.  I don’t know why, but they nervously scurried into the bush whenever we approached – Perhaps they thought we were trying to round them up or something. Comforting views of St. Kitts across the channel started to fade as we passed Nevis’ Vance Amory airport and headed south down the east coast.

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours on quiet safe roads

It was cool to see some monkeys scavenging around some fields, however we had to stay focused on our cycling as we were encountering a number of hills. We know Nevis is a mountainous island and had expected some hills, however they were starting to test us.  We stopped once in a while for a break and to observe a small wind farm as well as a small island way off in the distance. After riding for about 45 minutes or so, we passed the Nevis Raceway – I have to say, I was not expecting to find a dragstrip on this small Caribbean Island.  We didn’t see any race cars that day, although the cattle, donkeys and sheep were enjoying grazing on the fields surrounding the asphalt tracks.

Rounding the southeast corner of the island, the road headed inland and we encountered a beautiful green mountain landscape along with some much bigger and steeper hills to take on. Being we just left a snow-filled winter wonderland at home, we hadn’t ridden for a few months, so our biking muscles were a bit rusty and were starting to get fatigued.  We ended up dismounting and walking up two or three of the longer, steeper sections of road. We were falling way behind schedule and were stressing that we wouldn’t make it back in time for our scheduled pick-up.  While I’m sure it was less than an hour, it seemed like it took us forever to travel across the southern end of Nevis.

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours, enjoying views of Nevis Peak, visiting old plantations, museums, and more!

The worst part of being so time-sensitive was that we were not taking the time to enjoy the local attractions and gorgeous Caribbean sights that this magnificent Caribbean Island had to offer. If we would have had more time, I would have liked to have checked out the Nevisian Heritage Village and one or two of the old plantations.  This would have also given us some much-needed rest breaks. Eventually, we rounded the southwest corner of Nevis and were elated to realize that we were finally seeing the Caribbean side of the island. About 2.5 miles (4km) or more outside of Charlestown the road was on a near-constant downhill, so we enjoyed the glide, which included a few steep sections that provided an exhilarating ride.  We were flying down the roads, braking to stay in control around the corners. We quickly reached the capital, but again we didn’t have the time to wander around the quaint town to take in the sights.

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours. Donkeys, monkeys and sheep roam the streets.

At this point, we found our second wind, and with the clock always on our mind we bore down and finished the final 5 miles (8km) or so in business-like fashion. In different circumstances, I would have really enjoyed cycling alongside a donkey that was scampering wild down the street, but at this point, I was just focused on finishing the ride. About half an hour later we made it back to our starting point, and fortunately, our afternoon ride was still there, even though we were more than an hour late – Thank goodness for ‘island time’…

In summary, we enjoyed the unique view of the mountainous interior, including the wonderous Nevis Peak and its surrounding rolling ridges.  We got an awesome workout, although we felt a little weak after cycling in the heat and humidity. FYI – The ‘around the island’ route is just over 19 miles (31km) long, with over 785 feet (240m) of vertical to climb along the southern stretch across Nevis. A route that avid cyclists would probably enjoy and may even consider a bucket list activity! In hindsight, we tried to do too much in too little time and hence failed to enjoy the experience.  It would have been better to have planned for 4-to-5 hours, including stops at various beaches, historical attractions, maybe even a restaurant or two along the way. Alternatively, we could have spent a couple of hours with a loop route at the north end of the island, or just ridden down to Charlestown and back.

ACT Staff

For more information on cycling in the Sister Islands, including a list of local tour operators and bike rental shops, take a look at our St. Kitts & Nevis MTB & Cycling page

If you’re looking for some other adventures that will raise your pulse rate a bit, check out the recommendations in our St. Kitts & Nevis Adventures blog 

If you’re looking to slow-it-down a bit, maybe take a tour of the island to see some attractions, check out our recommendations for Things To Do in St. Kitts & Nevis blog

For an overview of the Sister Islands, check out our St. Kitts & Nevis Vacations page

St. Kitts & Nevis is great for Caribbean cycling. Cycle around Nevis in a few hours, enjoying views of Nevis Peak, visiting old plantations, museums, and more!

Hey Rum Enthusiasts – Nevis is Calling

L&L Rum Shop in Nevis, St. Kitts & Nevis is well stocked with over 200 rums/rhums!

A Must-Visit Rum Shop in the Caribbean’s Leeward Islands!

I’m sure I’m not alone in routinely thinking about vacationing in the Caribbean with a tasty rum beverage in my hand. If you’re like me, thinking about the Caribbean leads to a mental picture of a bygone era – a wooden sailing ship with barrels of rum on deck, anchored in a secluded bay of a beautiful island oasis. If you agree, the next time you’re in the Leeward Islands, you need to find your way to Nevis.

It would be no surprise that you’ve never heard of the small Caribbean Island of Nevis before. If you have, you probably know it as the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the USA. The federation of St. Kitts & Nevis is in fact the tops of a submerged volcanic mountain range located between the US Virgin Islands and Antigua. Personally, I knew of the island because of my interest to hike its main geographical feature, Nevis Peak.  Well, fresh off my first visit to the island, I can tell you that Nevis should also be on your radar for being home to what might be one of the best little rum shops in the world.

If you’re a rum enthusiast vacationing in St. Kitts or just stopping by while on a cruise, I highly recommend taking the short boat ride over to Nevis – It will make your day!  Just a 4-minute walk up from the Charlestown ferry terminal you will find a little store on Prince William Street called L&L Rum Shop.  This place is a rum lover’s dream come true. It’s not a huge store, so I appreciated how neat and organized the shop is, making full use of available space for as much rum as possible. Upon entering the shop I made a beeline to the rum/ron/rhum sign hanging in the back, where I was happy to find 2 walls packed with nothing but rum – I felt like a kid in a candy store!

L&L Rum Shop in Nevis, St. Kitts & Nevis is well stocked with over 200 rums/rhums!

Saying they are well stocked with a wide variety of the Caribbean’s liquid treasure would be an understatement. L&L Rum Shop carries spirits from iconic Islands with rich histories of rum-making like Barbados and Jamaica as well as those famous for fine rhum agricole, such as Martinique, Guadeloupe and Haiti. There’s rum from all over the Caribbean, including Saint Lucia, Antigua and the Dominican Republic. Of course, they also carry Guyana’s quality elixir, but they also have rums from such unlikely sources as Australia, Madeira, South Africa and India as well. In fact, L&L Rum Shop contains over 200 unique labels of rum/rhum from distilleries all over the world.  This would make it the best storefront, or bar for that matter, in terms of rum selection, that I’ve ever seen!

One of the things that really intrigued me was the Shop’s collection of special series rums. You would expect them to have several of the famous Plantation rums, which they do, however they also offer much harder to find rums from The Ministry of Rum, the Trans Continental Rum Line (from France’s La Maison du Whisky) as well as a unique South African sugarcane-based rum called Mhoba.

If you’re lucky (or better yet, call ahead), the store’s proprietor will be there when you visit.  Rum connoisseurs will find one of their own in Mark Theron. Mark and I happily discussed some of our mutually favourite rums before he introduced me to several brands and rum tasting characteristics that I was not even aware of.  If you’re relatively new to rum, don’t be intimidated by Mark’s vast knowledge and experience with rum, he’s just the guy to help you get started on your own personal rum-loving journey. Here’s the thing – Believe it or not, Mark will offer a sample of pretty much any rum in the shop to help you decide on what bottle(s) to take home with you. That’s right, L&L Rum Shop provides access to a couple of hundred rums to sample.  WoW – I can see how that could lead to a fun tasting session for serious rum aficionados!

Clifton Estate Spiced Rum from Nevis. 
 L&L Rum Shop in St. Kitts & Nevis is well stocked with over 200 rums/rhums!

For my visit, Mark helped me explore Martinique’s rhum agricole with a couple of samples, although I have to admit I have yet to develop an appreciation for the lighter, yet complex sugarcane-based drink. We also sampled Nevis’ own (soon to be famous?) Clifton Estate Spiced Rum. For a relatively young rum, it was surprisingly delicious. First of all, the rum is presented in a clever and unique bottle shaped like a barrel – how cool is that?! The rum has a rich golden colour with an appetizing scent of cinnamon, nutmeg and candied orange. I found that Clifton Estate Spiced Rum gently tingled on my tongue with warm spices and a touch of honey. With little burn, even my non-drinking wife liked it! Knowing I can’t get this at home, I picked up a couple of bottles to add to my personal collection, although I don’t think they’ll last long 😊. Mark recommends Clifton Estate Spiced Rum be drunk straight, with a splash of coconut water or alternatively with a drop of orange bitters in a rum and coke.  They all sound good to me.

Once I left the rum section, I realized that L&L sells more than just rum. They also offer a full selection of liquor, Cuban (and other) cigars, as well as wines from all over the world, with a deserved focus on France. After all, the L&L in L&L Rum Shop stands for Libations & Leaf you know. While we’re on the subject of stuff other than rum, something in the shop really unique caught my eye.

Proudly displayed on the main counter was another Clifton Estate Nevis original – NEVIQ Tropical Liqueur, and it’s really something to see! The bright blue concoction contains an intriguing swirling silver shimmer and tastes like well, tropical fruit. NEVIQ will forever remind me of snorkeling in St. Kitts & Nevis as just the day before, I had been mesmerized by the refracted sunbeams on the rippled sand bottom of the shallow Caribbean Sea. NEVIQ captures that image perfectly.

Now I’m not one to spread rumours, but I hear that L&L Rum Shop also has a cannabis-infused wine ready to hit the shelves once the righteous plant becomes fully legal in St. Kitts & Nevis.

L&L Rum Shop in Nevis, St. Kitts & Nevis is well stocked with over 200 rums/rhums!

It was clear that Mark is well connected, so I was not too surprised to hear that he also has his hand in the Clifton Estate brand producing several innovative and unique products from Nevis. Find out more by reading our Clifton Estate Rum blog.

I’m sure you would agree that discovering L&L Rum Shop on a tiny island in the Eastern Caribbean is a pleasant surprise. So… If you’re on a quest to find some unique rum or simply looking for a quality mixer, L&L Rum Shop likely has what you’re after.  Besides, every visitor to Nevis should take the opportunity to bring a tasty piece of the Caribbean home with them!

FYI – You can reach Nevis from St. Kitts via the public ferry terminal in Basseterre, or by water taxi from Cockleshell Bay (AKA Reggae Beach). For more information on L&L Rum Shop, check out their facebook pages L&L Rumshop and Mark’s Rum Tasting. To contact the store in advance of your visit, reach out to Mark at or call 1-869-661-0627.

If you’re interested in reading more about rum, check out our Caribbean Rum page and our St. Kitts & Nevis Rum page.

For an overview of the beautiful “Sister islands”, take a look at our St. Kitts & Nevis Vacations page

For other great Tourist Attractions on the islands, check out our Things to Do in St. Kitts & Nevis blog

If you’re looking for more ‘active’ things to do while vacationing in St. Kitts & Nevis, click on our SKN Adventures blog post for some great ideas!

ACT Staff

Visit the Fascinating Clifton Estate Rum Company

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

Bottle Your Own Rum in Nevis – It Has Your Name On It!

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about vacationing in the Caribbean – Thoughts that inevitably include warm weather, the gorgeous Caribbean Sea, sand between your toes, and a rum beverage in hand? If so, you’re not alone… and I’m sure you’ll agree that no Caribbean Island vacation is complete without visiting a local rum-making facility. So the next time you’re in the Leeward Islands’ Saint Kitts & Nevis, be sure to find your way to the Clifton Estate Rum Company on the small island of Nevis. If you’ve never heard of this Caribbean gem before, it’s a lush green volcanic island that happens to be the birthplace and childhood home of Alexander Hamilton, the face on the American ten-dollar bill.

Mark Theron - A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

Our trip began with a pleasurable visit to L&L Rum Shop with Mark Theron, the man behind Nevis’ great little store as well as Clifton Estate Spiced Rum. We were fortunate enough to be invited to a behind-the-scenes look at the Clifton Estate Rum Company with Mark. Arriving at their facility, located in a wooded lot just south of the island’s capital, Charlestown, we were welcomed by a Clifton Estate Rum branded pergola fronting a couple of unassuming buildings.

We started our tour in their warehouse and blending facility – After all, this is where the magic happens. Mark explained the different stages of their rum blending and filtration process while showing us the tanks, vats and equipment that make it all possible. Clifton Estate Spiced Rum starts life as a 2-year-old rum sourced from nearby Antigua before it is masterfully blended with a delightful combination of ‘warming’ Caribbean spices along with a touch of fresh orange and real honey. Due to increased demand for the company’s products, the building is being expanded to allow for increased production and storage.  From the tanks on the top shelf of the rum mixing area, the final blend flows through a pipe to the bottling room in a separate building next door.

It is in this room that the amber liquid is deposited into bottles, which are then labelled, capped, and boxed up for distribution. Speaking of bottles – Clifton Estate Spiced Rum is packaged in a unique bottle in the form of a barrel, complete with planks and rivets! I’ve seen some cool-shaped bottles in my time, however nothing captures the essence and history of rum like this does. From start to finish, the creation of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum is a ‘hand-made’ affair, with very few hands involved in the process. This is the epitome of small-batch artisanal rum making. A place where they really care about their brand and end-product.

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

When they are not bottling their latest batch of spirits, this room doubles as the blending/mixing lab where Mark develops future concoctions for the Clifton Estate Rum Company. When we visited, it looked like a mad scientist had been hard at work, with several hand-labelled bottles denoting various ages and mixtures.  Mark was excited to tell us about one product being crafted whose foundation is a 5 yr old rum aged in a Jack Daniels barrel. I can’t wait to try that one!

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

We then went into the Clifton Estate showroom for further discussion, a few samples of rum, and an amazing and unique experience that would be the climax of our day, not to mention one of the highlights of our vacation. We started by sampling the award-winning Clifton Estate Spiced Rum, which is aptly known as “a taste of Nevis in a barrel”!

For a relatively young rum, it was surprisingly delicious. I love the rum’s rich golden colour and its appetizing aroma of cinnamon, nutmeg and candied orange peel. Tasting Clifton Estate Spiced Rum, I found the flavour brimming with warming spices and a touch of honey.  While it tingled on my tongue a little, I was amazed at the absence of a harsh burn. Good stuff – Mellow and flavourful enough to drink straight-up. That said, Mark suggested alternative ways to enjoy Clifton Estate Spiced Rum including drinking it with a splash of coconut water or with a drop of orange bitters in a rum and coke.  I’ll be trying both of them for sure.

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

Popular with local restaurants and bars in St. Kitts & Nevis, the Clifton Estates Rum Company continues to capture the “Spirit of Nevis” with their Moko Jumbie brand of Gold and Silva rum. Once again, considerable thought and effort have been put into the presentation of this rum as it is packaged in a gorgeous, frosted bottle with silhouettes of ghost-like characters etched into the side – Images that invoke the annual St. Kitts & Nevis’ Sugar Mas Carnival, where dancers don the traditional costume of the Moko Jumbie, a ghost with healing powers.  The company also creates and bottles single-run batches of “specialty” rums of various ages and blends for upscale clients like hotels and bars looking for something unique to celebrate special occasions. For those looking for a more casual pre-mixed beverage, the Clifton Estate Rum Company also produces a Lemongrass & Ginger “Tropical Punch”, utilizing their Moko Jumbie Gold rum as the base of course.

While rum is Mark’s passion, the company is branching out, also producing an exclusive vodka-based beverage handcrafted in Nevis.

Their flagship vodka-based product is NEVIQ Tropical Liqueur and it’s really something to behold, as well as taste! The bright blue concoction contains a captivating silver swirl that you have to see to believe. Similar to their rum-making process, they source high-quality spirits, this time from the USA, blending it with tropical fruit flavours before filtering it and adding the special “shimmer” ingredient. Sipping the wild concoction, I found notes of passion fruit while the taste profile evolved on my tongue, moving from tangy to sweet… Very yummy indeed!

Clifton Estate has also begun the development of a cannabis-infused red wine beverage that will be ready to hit the shelves once the righteous plant becomes fully legal in St. Kitts & Nevis. Our conversation continued over a variety of shots. I loved hearing about Mark’s passion for crafting innovative products on the island of Nevis. I especially appreciate his ambition to distill his own rum on the premises, ideally utilizing Nevis-grown cane sugar, which was once known to be the finest of the Caribbean.  With access to some of the most fertile land in the islands, coupled with his growing presence in the rum industry, Mark is definitely on the right track with this aspiration. In just over 5 years the Clifton Estate Rum Company has proven their rum-making prowess, extraordinary creativity in designing alluring bottles and labels, and have also created and produced a number of sensationally original products.  With his enthusiastic drive and industry connections, I’m looking forward to seeing what Mark can accomplish in the next 5-10 years.

Oh right.., back to the Clifton Estate bottling experience… While I was captivated by the swirling stardust in the bottle of NEVIQ, Mark was busy engraving our names on a couple of their signature bottles. When they were ready for us, we took turns filling our own personalized bottles with the ‘elixir of life’ from a special mini-keg of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.

Once full, we corked our little barrels of liquid gold then dipped the necks into hot wax, elegantly sealing the bottle and completing the rum bottling experience. Oh man, that was fun! So, not only do we end up with a great bottle of rum to enjoy, but we now possess unique souvenirs and showpieces for our rum collection – A valuable keepsake from our trip to Nevis.

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

Not to be left out, you too can enjoy this rum bottling experience for yourselves.  The next time you’re planning a trip to Saint Kitts and Nevis, reach out to Mark via Marks Rum Tasting or email L&L Rum Shop at Alternatively, you can also join a Nevis Rum Tasting Experience tour with Nevis Sun Tours. For us, we felt that the rum bottling was a very special, personal, and interactive experience – A must-do for any and all rum enthusiasts for sure!

FYI – Clifton Estate products are available at grocery stores, bars and restaurants across St. Kitts and Nevis. Outside the Caribbean, the Clifton Estate Rum Company has recently accessed the US market, with some availability of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum and NEVIQ in Florida and New York State (coming in 2022). Folks in the UK and Europe won’t have long to wait either, as distribution is being finalized for availability in 2022 as well. To keep up to date, check out the Clifton Estate Rum Company website for more info.

A rum tour with the Clifton Estate Rum Company in St. Kitts & Nevis. Bottle your own little barrel of Clifton Estate Spiced Rum.  Enjoy rum tasting and more in Nevis!

If you’re interested in reading more about rum, check out our Caribbean Rum page and our St. Kitts & Nevis Rum page, which includes a list of Tour Operators who will get you sampling SKN’s finest.

For an overview of the beautiful “Sister islands”, take a look at our St. Kitts & Nevis Vacations page

For other great Tourist Attractions on the islands, check out our Things to Do in St. Kitts & Nevis blog

If you’re looking for more ‘active’ things to do while vacationing in St. Kitts & Nevis, click on our SKN Adventures blog post for some great ideas!

ACT Staff

Ride a Train & Tour a Fortress and Gardens in St. Kitts & Nevis

There’s Plenty of Things to Do on the Sister Islands of St. Kitts & Nevis

The Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis Islands, commonly referred to as “St. Kitts” or “SKN”, is a two island nation in the Caribbean’s Lesser Antilles’ Leeward Islands.  The St. Kitts and Nevis islands are actually the tops of a submerged volcanic mountain range.  The green islands are covered with rolling folds of volcanic peaks and lush valleys. Regular ferry service connects the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, which are approximately 2 miles (3 km) apart.  St. Kitts is only a few miles from its closest neighbours, Sint Eustatius to the north-west, Barbuda and Antigua to the East and Montserrat to the south.

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions include Timothy Hill

While no trip to St. Kitts is complete without seeing Brimstone Hill Fortress, the picturesque south-east peninsula or visiting the capital Basseterre, there are plenty of other amazing and fun things to do in St. Kitts & Nevis – If you know where to look.  Our personal favourites include:

Experience Unique and Historical Attractions in Saint Kitts

Sit back and relax while you see the island from the “last railway in the West Indies” – A train, built in the early 1900s for the sugar industry, now operates a unique scenic railway tour.  The train ride takes you around the rugged north-east coastline, then bus transportation takes you along the west side of the island, giving you a great all-round island experience.

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions include Brimstone Fortress and a Scenic Railway Tour

For the history buff, Brimstone Hill Fortress – a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must see.  With it’s formidable structure and spectacular views of the Caribbean sea, this well preserved fortification makes for an imposing sight.  Located on the west side of the island, the fortress is an excellent example of British military architecture of a bygone era. Covering almost 40 acres (150k sq. m), the main features of the multi-leveled fortification include it’s massive stone wall, with it’s commanding view (and cannon range) of the surrounding coastline and Caribbean Sea, along with it’s main building the Citadel, also know as Fort George.

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions include the Black Rocks and Wingfield Estate

Another structure of historical significance is the Wingfield Estate Sugar Plantation.  The Ruins are located in the Central Forest Reserve National Park on the west side of the island, adjacent to the more popular Romney Manor.  Old stone structures outline the remains of a once majestic set of buildings – Imagine the ancient sugar mill, rum distillery and more.  While you’re in the area, one of the more interesting things to do in St. Kitts is to find the 17th century petroglyphs.  

For a unique and interesting geological site, check out the “Black Rocks” on the rugged north-east coast near the village of Bellevue.  These ancient lava formations on the edge of the sea, provide a reminder of the island’s volcanic past.

OK, so you’re looking for some rum…  Local tour operators can take you to the Fairview Great House for some tasting, or on a Rum Runner’s Tour of the capital Basseterre, along with south-east peninsula sightseeing and 5 Rum / Bar Stops.

For more information, including tour operators who will take good care of you, click on our Things to do in St. Kitts & Nevis – Land Excursions page

Revel in the Natural Beauty of Saint Kitts

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions include Romney Manor and Fairview Great-house

Romney Manor, on the west side of the island is one of the most popular things to do in St. Kitts and is well worth a visit – Their botanical gardens showcase a variety of local flora, including a 400-year-old SAMAN tree as well as colourful ‘lipstick’ palm trees.  A Bar and the Caribelle Batik are also on the grounds – You can even watch a local artist make the famous Batik clothing.

Fairview Great House & Botanical Gardens is a restored 18th century home and grounds.  Your tour there includes the great-house and gardens, which feature local flora.  Located on the west side of the island, you’ll also enjoy great views of the south-western shoreline and Caribbean Sea.

One of the more relaxing things to do in St. Kitts, is to take-in the best views of the islands, without having the climb a volcano or mountain. Journey to a place called Timothy Hill, approximately 3.5 miles (5km) south-east of the capital Bassettere.  From this vantage point you can see all the way down the lush and hilly south-east peninsula of the island, along with Nevis peak in the background.

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions

For those looking for a nice nature walk, you can take a leisurely stroll in the Central Forest Reserve National Park on the west side of St. Kitts. Also visit the St. Kitts Eco-Park in the north-west corner of the island – Stretch your legs while you enjoy a variety of greenhouses, gardens, and orchards, before grabbing some shade at the tea house.

A variety of tours available in St. Kitts will take you sight-seeing through the mountainous interior of the island by jeep, Land Rover or open air safari bus.  This is a great way to really appreciate the natural beauty of the tropical island and one of the more popular things to do in St. Kitts.  Many tours provide a picnic lunch and include a visit to an old Estate and/or Plantation.

For more information, including tour operators who provide island tours, check out our Things to Do in St. Kitts & Nevis page

Visit the Capital, Basseterre

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions includes Independence Square in Basseterre

Sometimes, there’s nothing more relaxing than simply taking a break in a park accompanied by a leisurely walk around town.  Basseterre is a great place in the Caribbean where you can wander around safely.  

Independence Square is a short walk from the port. This former slave market location is now a beautiful and tranquil park setting – Sit on a bench and soak-up the Caribbean sun while enjoying the water fountain, the park’s centre-piece.  In the background you can  see the magnificent Church of Immaculate Conception.  The equally impressive St. Georges Anglican church is also just a five-minute walk away.

Looking for more things to do in St. Kitts? On the outskirts of town, yet just a 15 minute walk from Independence Square, is the Government House – A large 19th century dwelling, now home to the island’s Governor General.

For more information, including tour operators who will take good care of you, click on our Things to Do in St. Kitts & Nevis page

Go Zip-lining and Off-Roading in St. Kitts

Want to feel the rush of flying over cane-fields or jungle foliage?  There’s a zip-line operator on the west side of the island, just next to the Wingfield Estate Sugar Plantation.  They have 5 zip-lines to experience and trying multiple rides involve 4×4 transport to get you from line to line.

ATV and Dune Buggy tours are also available on St. Kitts – Ride off-road country tracks, deserted beaches, up scenic mountain slopes and through cane-fields…  Then enjoy some beach time and maybe a refreshing swim.

For more information, including tour operators who will get you on the move, check out our St. Kitts & Nevis Land Excursions page

Cruise St. Kitts & Nevis by Sea

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis include Catamaran, Motorboat or Pontoon Boating for a Dinner at Sea or Sunset Cruise

Get a unique perspective of St. Kitts and Nevis by sight-seeing from sea.  At the sister islands, that means it’s west coast features, including Mount Liamuiga and Brimstone Fortress, the south-east peninsula as well as Mount Nevis.

There are a variety of sea-faring options available to you, including catamaran sailboats, power-boats and pontoon boats. Sight-seeing the western shores of the islands is spectacular and boat tours often include a beach visit and/or a BBQ lunch.  Of course, Party Cruises and Sunset Cruises – featuring the chance to see the famous St. Kitts and Nevis ‘green flash’, are also available!

For the more adventurous, how would you like to rip around in a Mini Speedboat?  A local boat operator offers guided tours with these ‘motorized dinghies for two’ – It’s a great way to explore the blue waters of St Kitts and Nevis.

For more information, including boat operators who will get you on the waves, check out our Things to do in St. Kitts & Nevis – Ocean Excursions page

Visit the Natural Beauty of Nevis

Things to do in St. Kitts and Nevis -  Major Tourist Attractions include Botanical Gardens, Plantations and Museums

A short ferry ride will take you from St. Kitts to the island of Nevis, where you can enjoy peaceful natural beauty, all in the shadow of majestic Nevis Peak.  

You can enjoy the local flora at the Botanical Gardens of Nevis on the south side of the island.  Visit to the quaint village of Charlestown, the island’s capital, on the west side of Nevis – There you can learn about the island’s history at the Horatio Nelson or Alexander Hamilton Museums, or simply unwind as you bathe in the local hot-springs.  On the north end of the island you can visit the Nisbet Plantation and kick-back with great views of St. Kitts from Oualie beach.

For a little more activity, you’ll appreciate a nature walk through the rain-forest,  bird watching or looking for the Vervet or “green” monkeys that inhabit the islands.  There’s even an Amerindian Site to explore. These are all great things to do in Nevis.

For the more intrepid, there’s exciting 4×4 off-road adventure tours as well as an equestrian centre where you can enjoy trail rides or even a beach tour.

For more information, including tour operators who will take good care of you, click on our Things to Do in St. Kitts & Nevis page


ACT Staff

Want to see a quick overview? Check out our Sampling of the Sights in Saint Kitts video on YouTube!

If you’re looking for more of a physical adventure, check out our Adventure Activities in St. Kitts & Nevis blog

For an overview of the amazing sister islands, take a look at our St. Kitts & Nevis Vacations page

The Best Hiking Trails of St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts hiking and Nevis hiking at it's best.  Check out these trails...

St. Kitts & Nevis Hiking – Explore Nature while Enjoying Spectacular Views

The Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis Islands, commonly referred to as “St. Kitts & Nevis” or “SKN”, is a two island nation in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles’ Leeward Islands.  SKN are only a few miles from its closest neighbours: Sint Eustatius to the north-west; Barbuda and Antigua to the East; and Montserrat to the south. Regular ferry service connects the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, which are approximately 2 miles (3 km) apart.

The islands of St. Kitts & Nevis are actually the tops of a submerged volcanic mountain range, making it a great place to hike!  Combined, the islands have half a dozen mountainous peaks above 1,500 feet (500m), the tallest being Mount Liamuiga on St. Kitts, towering 3,792 feet (1,156 m) above sea level.  Covered with rolling green folds of volcanic peaks and lush valleys, more than a quarter of the islands are protected National Park lands. St. Kitts and Nevis offer a variety of easy relaxing nature walks as well as some very challenging hikes, offering something for everyone – If you know where to look.  Our favourites include…

The best St. Kitts hiking trails include:

St. Kitts hiking at it's best includes Mount Liamuiga

Mount Liamuiga (formerly Mount Misery) – No adventurous trip to St. Kitts is complete without hiking the island’s highest peak. You’ll need 4 to 6 hours for this 5 mile (8km) round trip hike up and down the volcano. The absolute vertical hiked on this trail is just over 2,380 feet (725m), which is a decent challenge for most.  This St. Kitts hike is what you think of when you imagine hiking a volcano on a Caribbean island – Trekking through a rain-forest with the trail getting progressively steeper along the way, then reaching the top and being able to peer down into an open crater. This is an enjoyable hike with a constantly varying environment to take-in, including seeing more exposed tree roots than you’ve probably ever seen before in one spot.  For a more detailed account of this hike, click on our Mount Liamuiga Trail page

Dos D’ane Pond / Verchilds Mountain Trail –  The second highest peak on St. Kitts offers a fairly challenging hike as well, with > 2000 feet (600m) vertical elevation gain, and great views of the island.

“Valley of Giants” Rain-forest Trail – A fairly easy 2 hour loop hike along a River in an amazing rain-forest Valley.  There’s also an optional ridge climb for the more adventurous – Enjoyable St. Kitts hiking for sure.

St. Kitts hiking at it's best...

Challengers Village – Bat Cave and Waterfall Trail – The main attractions of this hike are self explanatory 🙂 It takes about about 4 to 5 hours to complete this easy – intermediate level hike.

Southern Peninsula Trail – This unique St. Kitts hike takes place at the south end of the island, providing ‘dry scrub-brush’ terrain with access to empty beaches and spectacular ocean views.  A must-do experience for sure!

St. Kitts hiking at it's best includes the Southern Peninsula Trail

There’s also a couple of excellent hiking trails on the east side of St. Kitts, including the Phillips Rainforest Trail, the Christ Church Ghaut Loop and the Cayon Ghaut River Trail.

If you’re looking for a longer hike, the Old Military Trail crosses the Island from Romney Manor to Phillip’s Village.

For more information, including hiking guides and tour operators who will get you on the trail, check out our St. Kitts Hiking page

The Best Nevis Hiking Trails include:

Nevis Peak – The feature hike is to the top of the island’s highest peak.  The summit of the volcano is 3,200 feet (950m) above sea level. This is a fairly difficult / steep trail taking about 4-5 hours round trip. This iconic hike rewards you with breath-taking views of the islands, the surrounding Caribbean Sea as well as the island of Montserrat!

Nevis hiking at it's best includes Nevis Peak

There is a variety of Nevis hiking trails on the island as well.

There are some intermediate level hiking trails that will give you a decent work-out while rewarding you with great views.  They include the Golden Rock Nature Trail; the Devil’s Copper Trail; the Water Source / Waterfall Trail; and Jessup’s Rainforest Trail.

There’s also plenty of more relaxing nature trails on Nevis.  They include the Sulphur Springs Trail and Saddle Hill Trail.  Other Nevis hiking trails take you through rural villages, to Amerindian sites or plantation ruins.  You can bird-watch and you may even get a glimse of a Vervet or “green” monkey along the way!

For more details, as well as tour operators who will get you on the trail, check out our Nevis Hiking page

Now, get out there & have some fun!

ACT Staff

If you’re looking for other exciting activities to experience, take a look at our St. Kitts & Nevis Adventures blog

When you’re not hiking or snorkeling around St. Kitts & Nevis, there’s plenty of other things to do on the Sister Islands, including a Scenic Railway Tour and a visit to Brimstone Hill Fortress.  For more ideas for a fun and relaxing vacation, check out our St. Kitts & Nevis Attractions blog

For an overview of these beautiful islands, click on our St. Kitts & Nevis Vacations page